Who me? Give more? Yes…your life depends on it!
by Dawn Lawless
DEATH, HUNGER, POVERTY-RELATED ILLNESSES, MENTAL ILLNESS, CHILD ABUSE, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, ADDICTION, EDUCATION PROBLEMS, UNEMPLOYMENT, DIVORCE, CRIME…so you get my point? We live in a fallen and broken world, and at times life is exhausting. Would you agree?
Did you know that there are solutions to these problems? They are quite simple, in fact, AND there is proof that they work. Not only in our intimate relationships, but as a whole community, we can mark health by how much we give. I’m not talking about a tithe; although that 10% is important (btw…only 3-4% of Americans actually tithe today, according to Dave Ramsey), I’m actually referring to the gift of generosity through your time.
In Proverbs 11:25, we read that A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. HELLO…that sounds pretty darn good! How many of us need a little refreshing from time to time? So here’s what you do. GIVE some time to helping others.
Our community is amazing. Regardless of the crisis, folks gather, they unify, and they give. Consider Hurricane Ike, consider our fallen officers, or consider the death of a loved one. In these times, we act. We come together and we solve the problem at hand. We put other’s needs before our own, and we love. Why? Because God first loved us (1John 4:19).
Research is finally catching up and proving what God originally proclaimed. There are brain scans to demonstrate improved connectivity, and when we act kindly toward others, when we intentionally set out to care for our friends, family members, or community neighbors, we are actually healing ourselves. Physiologically, new cells form that help improve our overall health. Bottom line-stress is reduced when we give to others.
That’s it! It’s Simple. Our mental health is improved when we take time to care for others.
So you may ask, “How do I give more when I’m overloaded with my own responsibilities?” Consider this. For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have (2 Cor 8:12). There you have it. Regardless of what you have to give, just give. I’ve seen the simplest acts multiplied exponentially, and fruit that is visible sometimes up to 20 years after the seed was planted. The timing of the growth is up to God; he’s in control of those details. What we do have control over is our willingness to give.
One of the goals for Counseling Connections, aside from therapy and prevention services, is to collaborate. It is part of our culture. We collaborate with other nonprofits in order to fulfil our mission: To strengthen the mental health in Brazoria County. We prioritize collaboration because it makes sense and there will ALWAYS be more need in our community than what one organization can manage. There are so many opportunities to connect, and all nonprofits need volunteer support.
So…pray about where your heart hurts in this broken world, and DO SOMETHING! Your life depends on it.
Stop the stigma of mental illness by supporting our efforts. Your input matters! If this were cancer, you wouldn’t just say, “Get over it!” Be a trend-setter, and make a difference by taking these few action steps toward a healthier community.
PRAY for the mental health of our community.
TALK about mental health with your family and friends.
COMMIT to getting involved to be the change.
SHARE this newsletter with 3 people you know who may be passionate about the mental health of our community.
DONATE $25/month to support our counseling ministry.
***To get involved and learn how you can BE THE CHANGE this year, contact us at charlotte@counselingconnect
To connect with Dawn Lawless, LCSW, LSOTP directly, email her at
Become an Ambassador for Change
Volunteer Spotlight – Dr. Loretta Allen
Counseling Connections is blessed to have Loretta Allen, Ph.D., LSSP as one of our newest volunteers. Dr. Allen has been a resident of Pearland for over 40 years. Dr. Allen received her Ph.D. in Psychology from Texas A & M University. She is a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology. Dr. Allen spent her career working in many area school districts including Pearland. She taught School Psychology at the University of Houston Clear Lake.
Dr. Allen previously served on the board of the Pearland Lioness Club in a variety of positions. She also served on the board of Texas Association of School Psychologists in many positions including President. She is currently volunteering at Counseling Connections one day a week and is working in the area of grant management.
Dr. Allen enjoys gardening and recently completed the Brazoria County Master Gardener Training Program. She and her husband, retired veterinarian, Dr. Mike Allen, recently celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary.
Upcoming Events
2549 Roy Road, Pearland, TX 77581 281-485-9280, fax: 281-485-9070;
Copyright © 2017 Counseling Connections for Change, Inc., All rights reserved.
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