WHY? MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS! Jesus is the epitome of courage. He talked about the problems in his culture, and he confronted the social injustices even with the knowledge of his impending fate on that cross. He was courageous, and He made a difference. We are called to do the same. Each time I walk through our lobby and witness the clients we serve, I am humbled by their courage. I am honored to know (even if not by name) that their commitment to seek support will impact their family legacy for generations to come. These families are making a difference. Will you?
The social stigma of mental illness is an injustice that has to be fought with faith. Prayerfully, our team is committed to strengthening the mental health in our community. Join us this month as we impact change through acts of courage:
PRAY for the mental health of our community.
TALK about mental health with your family and friends.
COMMIT to getting involved to be the change.
***To get involved and learn how you can BE THE CHANGE this year, contact us at charlotte@counselingconnect
To connect with Dawn Lawless, LCSW, LSOTP directly, email her at
350 NEW Clients
4710 TOTAL services
4129 Individual services
581 Marriage & Family services
689 clients TURNED AWAY **
strive to accept all appropriate referrals regardless of their ability to pay.
HOPE Summer Camp Program ASK about suicide Education programs Netsmartz Social Media Program
managed care insurance payments and offer a sliding scale, but depend on grant support and donors like you to make up our annual shortfall. In 2016, due to reduced rates to our clients, we experienced a $90,000 shortfall.
Testimony of Courage
WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Just like the wave of anger that so swiftly flooded the space between us, a river of tears filled our eyes. I knew it. I had blown it, and there was no way for me to take back those cutting words. My then 9-year-old daughter was hurt, and my words were the cause. I’d like to say this was the one and only time I’d let my anger and frustration get the best of me, but we’re here to talk about COURAGE, so courageously I share…
Jesus promises to give us rest when we come to Him (Matt 11:28). He even described my state of mind perfectly when he called me weary. That is what I felt. Weary. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. Unable to see any direction to choose other than through the lenses of anger, and because of that anger, I felt shame. Shame because I wasn’t parenting the way I thought I should. Shame because I had a child who was struggling and I didn’t know how to help her. Shame because, let’s face it, I wasn’t perfect. Courageously, I share…
I WAS NOT PERFECT. For some, this revelation may sound silly. For others, you can relate in sharing all the woes of struggling to live a “perfect” life. I was raised in a home with loving parents, who encouraged excellence, but somehow I misplaced that goal of excellence with perfectionism and all the woes that come along with that unattainable lie, so courageously I share…
Freedom in Christ is only found in truth. The lies of safety subtly rooted in a “perfect life” were finally being shattered as I watched my daughter’s heart break. My pride (perfectionism at the core) was fueling my shame and destroying our home, and I needed help. Transparently, I share that my unique design is a little rebellious. In fact, it was down-right disobedient. My shame and pride were so tightly inter-twined that I literally had to break before I could heal. So I broke, and courageously, I share…
In true God-style, He found me, and He comforted me. He revealed His truth through Romans 8:1, “In Him, there is no condemnation,” and in that tiny passage, I found hope. Tightly, I gripped onto those few words; obediently, I surrendered to His sweet truth; diligently, I committed to a new path. I’d like to say that my freedom came in a tidal wave of transformation where I immediately changed thoughts and behaviors, but for me, this is a lifetime journey. Courageously, I share…
To speak about family problems, mental health issues, and weakness is NOT in my nature. Admitting that I was broken, and actually surrendering to God’s provision for my life was the scariest experience I’d ever had, but I knew, “I could do all things through Christ, who strengthened me.” Philippians 4:13
Volunteer Spotlight
Two years ago, Kamran Assadi made the courageous decision to move his family from London to Pearland. As a Christian, he talked to God and went on faith that He would work it out. Kamran says, “It felt right, especially as God gave us signs that this was the right path for us to progress on. In the physical realm, we moved here because there were better career opportunities and a closer family support network. Many see this as courageous, but Kamran says he just followed what God guided him to do on behalf of his family who truly strengthens and supports him. Counseling Connections is blessed to have Kamran as a volunteer!!!
2549 Roy Road, Pearland, TX 77581 281-485-9280, fax: 281-485-9070;
Copyright © 2017 Counseling Connections for Change, Inc., All rights reserved.
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